Thursday, June 12, 2008

Project Trash and Treasure - 06-11-08

The schipperkes are being very patient with all this time I'm spending in the basement. Of course they do need to bark every time I bring another bag up the stairs and put it in the garage. And they are still waiting for Melissa to come home. I think in another month they will start to accept that she is not coming back to squeeze their feet, howl with them and give them an occasional bath.

Here is this week's haul.

This Thursday finds 6 -30 lb. garbage bags full of trash at the curb. Out of the basement for good and forever.

I'm realizing as I throw things away that I have to find a method for not allowing so much junk to go down there.

We need to cultivate an attitude of discernment about acquisitions and discard more stuff immediately.

1 comment:

Josh said...

It's all about progress, not perfection. Sorry about the storms effects on the basement. That simply sucks!